M-7, Relationship with Jesus


This is a course in self awareness and spiritual development for those seeking to develop a petsonal and intimate relatipnship with Jesus. Such, rewuired a broad understanding of the nature and extent of your relationship eith Jesus. Developing a relationship begins with understanding Jesus and the names and titles used by the writers of the New Testament to describe and define Jesus.

Most of all, Christianity is fundamentally a relatipnship with Jesus. To accomplish this end, M-7 relarionship er irh Jesus provides the student with a comprehensive New Testament authentic understanding of Jesus. So thay in all citcumstances the disciple can call upon the name of the Lord with confodence and certanty.


Start by reviewing each relatipnship, and assess the impact that a relatipnship has on your life. Secondly, read each title or name of Jesus and meditate one the importance of that characteristic.

Having a relatipnship

God is not some distant, unapproachable, and uncaring being that a believer can never have a relationship with. Because of Jesus we can have a personal, intimate, and caring relatipnship with God. That relatipnship starts the moment we entered into the kingdom of Jesus.

It was a prime belief of the first century disciples that having and keeping an intimate relatipnship with Jesu was priority number one. Embedded in the New Testament are many statements about our relatipnship with Jesus.

elements of relatipnship

A) Waiting for my savior.
B) In Jesus, I am enriched in everything.
C) I am called.
D) Jezus purchased me for a price.
E) Jesus assures my reward.
F) I am victorious in Jesus.
G) Gifts are given by God through Jesus.
H) I am unworthy except by Jesus.
G) God is reveled through Jesus.

A relatipnship with Jesus changes everthing.

H) I have been renewed.
I) God’s grace makes me rich.
J) righteousness of God is mine in Jesus.
K) I am standing firm in Christ.
L) I am the sweet aroma of God.
M) My body is the temple of the living God.
N)I am transformed into Christ’s immage.
O) I am one spirit with Jesus.
P) I am not my own.
Q) I have the mind of Christ.
R) I am a member of Christ’s body.
S) I am the immage and glory of God.

Made holy and acceptable

T) I am in Christ Jesus
U)In Jesus, I am justified.
V)I am washed, sanctified,and justified.
W)I have received the Spirit from God.
X) Jesus is the possessor of all things.
Y) In Jesus, I am his people.
Z) I live for Jesus.
A-1),I am led in Christ’s triumph.


A-2),I am a minister of reconciliation.(
A-3),In Jesus, I am a new creation.
A-4), In Jesus, I am an ambassador for Christ.
A-5),In Jesus, I abound in grace.
A-6),In Jesus, I am adequate.
A-7),In Jesus, I am comforted.
A-6),I am controlled by Christ’s love.
A-7),I have the Holy Spirit as a pledge.

Pleasing to God

A-8),In Jesus, I am anointed.
A-9),In Jesus, I am born of God.
B-1),In Jesus, I am cleansed.
B-2),In Jesus, My prayers are answered.
B-3),I am an over comer.
B-4),In Jesus, I am forgiven of my sins.
B-5),I have life abundant.
B-6)I am crucified with Jesus.
B-7),I am filled withe the fruits of the Holy Spirit.
B-8),I am the heir.
B-9),I live Christ’s life.

Jesus our salvation

C-1), I have been redeemed.
C-2),In Jesus, O am Abraham’s offspring.
C-3),In Jesus, I am adopted.
C-4),Because of Jesus, I am alive with Christ.
C-5),In Jesus, O am clothed with Christ.

Each person can develop a deep and all encompassing relationship with Jesus,

Keys to understanding

The next set of relatipnships are the keys to understanding our relatipnship with Jesus.
1-1), In Jesus, I am able to do all things.
1-2), On Jesus, I am anxious for nothing.
1-3),Jesus is thr power of God behind me.
1-4),I partake of grace.
1-5),In Jesus, my needs are met by his riches.
1-6),I am a finishes product in progress.
1-7),In Jesus, I am pressing forward.
1-8),I am guarded by God’speace.
1-9),I am filled with righteous fruits.
1-10),I am complete in Christ
1-11),In Jesus, I am chosen.
1-12),Christ is my hope.
1-13),Christ is my life.
1-14),In Jesus, I am holy and dearly loved.
1-15),In Jesus, I am hidden with Christ in God.
1-16),In Jesus, I am filled to the fullest in God.
1-17),I am filled with the knowledge of God.
1-18),I have died and my life hidden on God.
1-19)’I have been given wisdom.
1-20),I am transformed into the kingdom of Jesus.
1-21), I am qualified to share in Christ’s inheritance.
1-22),I am on the winning side.
1-23), I am presented to God, holy and blameless.
1-24),I am rooted and built up is Jesus.
1-25),In Jesus, I am brought near to God.
1-26),In Jesus, I am cherished.
1-27),In Jesus, I am blessed with spiritual blessings.
1-28),In Jesus, I am bold and confident.
1-29),I am created in Christ for good works.
1-30),In Jesus i am becoming a spiritually mature person.
1-31), In Jesus, I am blameless at his comming.
1-32),In Jesus, I am encouraged
1-33),I am Christ’s handy work.
1-34),In Jesus, I am enlightened.
1-35),In Jesus, I am the saints fellow citizen.
1-36), I have the riches of Christ’s grace.
1-37),I have set aside the old self.
1-38),in Jesus, I am holy and blameless.
1-39),I have been made alive with Christ.
1-40), In Jesus, I am near to God.
1-41), in Jesus, I am a new self.
1-42),I am no longer a spiritual child.
1-43),I have obtained and inheritance
1-44),In Jesus, I an of God’s household.
1-45),I partake of the promise in Christ.
1-46),I am raised up with Christ.
1-47),I have received the riches of grace.
1-48),In Jesus, I am saved.
1-49),I am sealed by God with the Holy Spirit.
1-50),I am seated with Jesus in high places.
1-51),I am predestined by adoption.
1-52),I am strengthened in Jesus.
1-53),I am strong in the Lord.
1-54),I walk worthy of God’s calling.
1-55),In Jesus, I have every good thing.
1-56),In Jesus, I am sanctified.
1-57),In Jesus, I am protected.

By understanding the multitude of ways a person can have a relationship with Jesus, the student, can grow spiritually. And have a deeper relatipnship with Jesus.

These are the keys to undetstandong our relatipnship with Jesus, as found in level 3 studies.

● In Jesus, I acknowledge my need for God.
● I am valued by Jesus.
● I am the salt of the earth.
● I am Christ’s representative.
● I have rest provided to me.
● In Jesus, I am the light of the world.
● In Jesus, I am provided for.
● I am Christ’s disciple.
● I am prayed for.
● In Jesus, I am a child of God.
● In Jesus, I am clean.
● In Jesus, I am appointed by God.
● In Jesus, I belong to God.
● In Jesus, I am a branch of the true vine.
● In Jesus, I am filled with joy.
● I am God’s gift to Christ.
● I have been sent.
● I share in Christ’s glory.
● I am one with Jesus.
● In Jesus, I have light
● In Jesus, I am a friend of God
● I live in the truth.
● I am in dwelt ny Christ Jesus.
● In Jesus, I have no fear.
● I am Christ’s brother ( or sister).
● I am confident that Jesus will never leave.
● I am disciplined.
● in Jesus, I draw near with confidence.
● I am holy.
● I am a pilgrim in this world.
● I partake of Christ
● In Jesus I am never forsaken.
● My eyes are fixed on Jesus
● I receive an unshakable kingdom.

The more a disciple knows about having a relatipnship with Jesus, the better they are able to take full advantage of those relatipnships.

These are the keys to understandong our relatipnship with Jesus as found on level 4, studies.
● I will reign in life.
● I am rejoicing.
● I am righteous
● I am royalty.
● In Jesus, I am a saint.
● I am Christ’s servant
● I share Christ”s inheritance.
● I am a slave of righteousness.
● I am an adopted son (or daughter) of God.
● I am standing in Christ’s grace.
● I am united with Christ
● I am walking in new life.
● I yield to God.
● In Jesus, I am accepted.
● In Jesus, I abound in hope.
● I am becoming conformed to Christ.
● I have been baptized into Christ.
● I am conformed to Christ's immage.
● In Jesus, I am mire than a conqueror.
● I have been buried with Christ through baptism.
● In Jesus, my future is assured.
● In Kesus, I am free.
● In Jesus, I have eternal life.
● I am dead to sin, alive to God.
● In Jesus, I am freed from sin.
● In Jesus, I am gifted.
● In Kesus, I am given all things.
● In Jesus, I am a new being.
● I have life and peace, in the Spirit.
● I am part of a kingdom of priests.
● I know all thongs work for good.
● I am in dwelt by the Spirit.
● I am inseparable from God's love.
● I am an instrument of righteousness.
● I am a joint heir with Christ.
● I am granted grace in Christ Jesus.
● God is for me.
● I have been reconciled to God.
● I am prepared beforehand for glory.
● In Jesus, I have peace with God.
● I am the object of mercy.
● In Jesus, I am no longer a slave to sin.
● I have no condemnation.
● My hope is fixed.
● In Jesus, I am perfect and complete.

Each relatipnship with Jesus is a source of grace and blessing. The more a disciple taks advantage of yhe good gifts that come with having a relationship with Jesus. The stronger faith becomes.

These are the keys to understanding our relationship with Jesus as found in Level 5 ordination studies
● In Jesus, I am delivered.
● In Jesus, I am equipped.
● I am guatded by God.
● In Jesus, I am honored.
● I know who i believe.
● I have not been given a spirit of fear.
● I am Christ's solder.
● I have a spirit of love and a sound mind.
● In Jesus, I am the adversary of the devil.
● In Jesus, I am an alien and stranger in the world.
● I am being refined.
● I am a member of the royal priesthood.
● I am able to receive mercy.
● In Jesus, I am a priest.
● I am Christ's special possession.
● In Jesus, I am a living stone.
● In Jesus, I am lept.
● In Jesus , I am indestructavle.
● In Jesus, I am born again.
● In Jesus, I am built up.
● In Jesus, I am cared for with compassion.
● I hsve Christ's magnificent promise.
● I partake of the divine nature.
Faith demands practice and performance. And performance requires power. And the power of God flows through our relationship with Jesus.

These are the keys to understanding our relationship with Jesus as found in Level 6 ordination studies.
● I am Christ's witness.
● I have been purchased.
● In jesus, my prayers go up before God.
● I am understood be God.


Study periods 4, 5 & 6.

Understandong the names and titles pf Jesus is important to having a relationship with Jesus. Spirituality is increased snd Christian " vocabulary" strengthened so the disciple can think and talk like a first century Christian

Each name and title of Jrsus, has a mental immage attached and brings to mind s specific facts, conditions, and points in the life of Jesus. Understanding Jesus is central to faith.
Note: names are as stated, and titles are prefixed the word "the".

In Titus, our relatipnship with Jesus is identified as:
● God our savior
● The great God
● Jesus Christ our savior

In First Corinthians, our relatipnship with Jesus is known by the titles of:
● Christ the power of God.
● The Lord of glory
● Our passover.
● The rock.
● The head of every man.
● The first fruits
● The second Adam.
● The second man.

In Second Corinthians, our relationship with Jesus is confirmed by the title of:
● The immage of God
● The unspeakable gift.
● The husband

In First Timothy, our relationship with Jesus is strengthen by the titles goven to Jesus as:
● The king eternal.
● The only wise God.
● The ransom.
● The savior.
● The king of kings.
● The lord of lords.

● The righteous judge.

Level 2 studies
In Ephesians, our relationship with Jesus is firmly established because Jesus is:
● Beloved.
● The head over all thingd
● Our peace.
● Head, even Christ.

In Colossians, our relationship with Jesus is characterized by Jesus being:
● God's beloved Son.
● Thr first born of every creature.
● The immage of the invisible God.
● The first borne from the dead.
● The head if the body, the church.
● The hope of glory.
● The diety.
● The head of all.
● Lord Christ.

In Second Thessalonians, our relationship with Jesus is reaffirmed because Jesus is the:
● The Lord Jesus Christ.

In Second Jude, our relationship with Jesus is confirmed to be godly becaus Jesus is.:
● The Son of the Father.

In Matthew, our relationship with Jesus is further clarified because Jesus is:
● Emmanuel.
● God with us.
● The governor.
● The Nazarene.
● The son of David.
● The beloved of God.
● The sower.
● The just man.
● The king of the Jews

In Mark, our relatipnship with Jesus is reaffirmed becaus Jesus is:.
● The beloved son.
● The Carpenter.
● The son of Mary.
● The Good master.
● The chief cornerstone.
● Christ, the Son of the blessed.

In Luke, our relationship with Jesus is better understood because Jesus is:
● The Son of the Most High.
● The horn of salvation.
● The dayspring
● The consolation of Israel.
● Christ, the Lord.
● The babe.
● The child Jesus.
● Salvation.
● Jesus, the son of Joseph.
● The Physician.
● The Holy one of God
● The lord of the Sabbath.
● The friend of publican and sinner.
● The Christ of our God.
● The man of peace.
● The stone rejected.
● Christ a King.
● God's chosen one,Christ

In Hebrews, our relationship with Jesus, is characterized by Chrisr's titles as:
● The heir of all things.
● The first begotten.
● Captain of salvation.
● The apostle of our profession.
● Teacher from God.
● The great high priest.
● Jesus, Son of God.
● The Priest.
● The source if eternal salvation.
● The forerunner.
● The minister of the sanctuary.
● The author and finisher of our faith.
● The mediator
● The great shepherd.

In the Gospel of John, our relationship with Jesus is obvious because Jesus is;
● The only negotten of the Father.
● The only begotten son.
● The lamb of God.
● The Christ.
● The light.
● Teacher from God.
● The bridegroom
● The messiah.
● Rabbi
● The bread of life
● The bread
● The lining bread
● The seed of David
● The I Am.
● The light of the world.
● The door of the sherp.
● The door.
● The shepherd.
● The resurrection and the life.
● The king.
● The King of Israel.
● The truth.
● The way.
● The life.
● The true vine.
● Rabboni
● God
● Lord

Level 4 studies.
Acts speaks if our relationship with Jesus as Jesus being, :
● The holy and roghteousness one
● The prince of life.
● The holy child
● The prince and ruler.
● The son of man
● The light of thr gentiles.
● Lord Jesus.

In Romans, our relatilnship with Jesus is confirmed because Jesus is:
● Jesus Christ.
● The pro pitiation.
● Jesus Christ our Lord.
● Christ Jesus.
● The first born among many brothers.
● God blessed forever.
● The rock of offense
● The stone of stumbling.
● The Lord of all.
● The deliverer.
● Tge Lord of bothe tge lining and the dead.
● Thr minister of the circumcision.

On First Peter, our relationship with Jesus, is further clarified because zJesus is:
● The livong stone.
● The chosen of God
● The precious cornerstone.
● The guardian of souls.
● The shepherd of souls
● The chief shepherd.

In First Peter our relationship with Jesus is noted by Jesus being:
● The day star.
● Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ

In First Timothy, our relationship with Jesus is known because Jesus is
● God our savior.
● the blessed and only ruler.

In First John, our relationship with Jesus is known by Jesus being:
● The wird.
● The word if life
● The holy one.
● The savior of the world.
● Our advocate
● Born if God
● The eternal life.

In the book of revelatipn, our relationship is stated by Jesus being:
● The ruler if the kings of the earth.
● The alpha and the omega.
● The amen.
● The lion of the tribe if Judah.
● The lamb.
● Faithful and true
● The wird of God.
● The almighty.
● The first and the last.
● the bright morning star.
● The root of David.


Do not worry if these relatilnship statements do not male complete sense. When you complete you studies for the proesthood you will be able to explain the why and how that supportes each relatilnship. That is called acquired wisdom.

These readings are meant to impress the disciple that Christianity and Christ Jesus are much more that a simple " I believe in Jesus"

Study period 7. The Trinity.
The intern studies program is designed to expand the disciples knowledge of our relationship with Jesus, and tbat includes understanding how we relate to Jesus as part of the Trinity.
Through our relatipnship woth Jesus, we have access to both God the Father and God's Holy Spirit. Together we call the three the Trinity. The perspn who gets this wrong will miss out on a lot of grace and blessings.

God existed from the very beginning, and God has a mind and will who today we call Jesus. And likewise God had a creative spirit who is the giver of life, who we call God's Holy Spirit.

At the beginning, God made man, human kind, Adam. And Adam wss made in the immage and likeness of God. Man in some earthly way, is a representation of God, who exist on a spiritual abd heavenly level. Therefore if you look at yourself you can begin to understand God who spirit, similar but at a higher heavenly level.

Each person has a body, a mind-will, and a spirit. Thrtefor one could reasonable imply that God has the same form, resemblance, and representation as you or I. God has three parts. a central part, who we call God our father, a mind that is capable of accomplishing the desires of the body, and a spirit which is the compulsion and motivation to accomplish what the body wants accomplished.

In addition the First Century believed that Jesus was begotten of the Father, before time wss made. God the Father, brought forth from himself, his own will and sent that will to earth as Jesus. This was done to restore the loss of eternal life.

God took the breath of life that was in God and breathed it into Adam, and Adam became a living being. When God said eat of the forbidden fruit.that day you shall die. And they ate and the Holy Spirit left them and they were dead to God that same day.

It is tge father's will tgat Jesus cam to restore the Holy Spirit to mankind. Firm that day forward disciples, through Jesus have access to God's Holy Spirit and God our Father.
Thr disciple is not alone. God fights on our side and wirks to perfect us. Thus we can believe with certainty that:

Our relatipnship with Kesus is thr link that connects us to the source of grace.
● God lives us and by and through God's will (Jesus) brought to us tge means to have peace with God. We can share in God's life and joy by the Holy Spirit.

Our relatipnship with Kesus is thr conduit of divine knowledge.
● God is the source of divine knowledge, Jesus spoke the truth about the knowledge og God,and we have the Holy Spirit who is the instructor who guides us in all knowledge and truth.

Our relatipnship with Jesus is central to understanding the will of God.
● The thoughts of God were spoken by Jesus, and creatipn happened. Thr Holy Spirit interprets the thoughts of God. Thus Hod our Father is thr thinker and originator of thoughts, Jesus is the word, which conveys the thoughts,and the Holy Spirit id the guide to those thoughts.

Our relationship with Jesus is the path to spiritual maturity.
● For our benefit God has adopted us. Jesus is feeding and caring for us. And the Holy Spirit protects us anf grows us into the full immage of Jesus.

Our relatipnship with Jesus is the power of salvation.
● In baptism we have become new creatures according to the will of God our Father. In Holy Communion we partake of the good thongs to come. Abd we have been baptized with the Holy Spirit and the Spirit works in all areas of our earthly life.

Our relationship with Jesus is the key to righteousness.
● God has written the tablets of the law on our heart and in our mind. Jesus gives us the heavenly manna which sustains us in dooing what the law requires. The Holy Spirit keeps us dooing what the law was intended to accomplish.

Our relatipnship with Jesus goves access to blessings.
● God is the source of every blessing and good gift. Jesus is the way we have access to the river of grace and life. The Holy Spirit is how we are watered and blessed by God.

Our relatipnship with Jesus is our connector to God's will.
● God our father is the source of power. Jesus allows us to use power with humility. The Holy Spirit allows us to be powerful but gentile.

Our relationship with Jesus is the reason for belief.
● God our fathet is the giver of faith. Jesus call to faith. The Holy Spirit perfects our faith.

Our relationship with Jesus is the way to eternal life.
● God gives promises, Jesus fulfills promises, and the Holy Spirit guarantees promises.

Our relatipnship with Jesus is the way to eternal life.
● God invites people to eternal life. Jesus makes a way for people to have eternal life, and the Holy Spirit is the guide that leads disciples through life to their eternal reward.

Our relationship with Jesus us the way to eternal life.
● Hod invites people to eternal life, Jesus make a way for people to have eternal life, and the Holy Spirit us the guide that leads disciples to eternal life.

.Our relationship with Jesus is tge reason for our adoption.
● God is our Fathet, Jesus is our brother, and the Holy Spirit keeps the family bound together.

Our relationship with Jesus is the causal factor of salvation.
● God gave his only begotten son, Jesus, who is our redeemer. The Holy Spirit id the perfector of our redemption.

● God sent his son to indwell in us. Jesus cleared the way for tge Holy Spirit to indwell in us. THE Spirit indwells and makes us acceptable to God.

Our relationship with Jesus is the reason for eternal life.
● God is the maker, Jesus is the renewer,and The Holy Spirit is the one who sustains.
Our relationship with Jesus is the bridge to God.
● Union with God is the goal. Jesus us the way we are united with God. The Holy Spirit is the proof of our union with God.

Our relationship with Jesus is the soyrce of divine wisdom.
● Our father is the God of revelation.Jesus is the one revealed,Tbe Holy spirit is the one who clarifies the revelation.

Our relationship with Jesus is the connection.
● God is love. Jesus is the soyrce of faith. And the Holy Spirit provides hope.

our relationship with Jesus is the mechanism of grace.
● God gives grace, grace comes through Jesus, and the Holt Spirit delivers yhe fruits of gracr.

Our relationship with Jesus is the facilitator of grace.
● God's will is done by Jesus who made us able to receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Our relatipnship with Jesus is one of mediator.
● All in all. We hsve a special relationship with Jesus, who keeps us connected to God our Father. And blesses us with the manifestations of the Holy Spirit.


This concludes reading M-7, our relationship with Jesus.

Your next study lesson is Undetstanding Titus,